Terme en Voorwaardes | Terms and conditions

Terme en Voorwaardes

  • Dramawinkel verskaf en skep materiaal vir kinders om voor te dra en op te voer vir klasgebruik, kunstefeeste en kompetisies.
  • Die skrywers van Dramawinkel poog om unieke materiaal te skep vir die regte ouderdomsgroep.
  • Stukke wat direk vanaf die webtuiste gekoop word, kan deur enige lid van publiek aangekoop word.
  • Stukke wat aangekoop word, kan nie weer “geruil” word vir ander stukke indien u voel dat die stuk nie pas by u kind nie. U is egter welkom om ‘n skrywe aan Dramawinkel te rig.
  • Sodra die Payfast betaling gemaak is, sal u ‘n bevestiging ontvang en ‘n skakel om die stuk wat u aangekoop het af te laai. Indien u nie die skakel ontvang nie, rig asseblief onmiddellik ‘n e-pos aan Dramawinkel.
  • Indien u ‘n stuk versoek wat eksklusief vir u kind is, moet u ‘n e-pos rig aan Dramawinkel met u versoek.
  • Sou Dramawinkel vir u ‘n eksklusiewe stuk skryf, sal u alleenreg kry op daardie stuk vir 12 maande. Na twaalf maande sal die stuk op Dramawinkel se webtuiste gepubliseer word vir aankope deur die algemene publiek.
  • Alle materiaal beskikbaar op en verskaf deur Dramawinkel bly die eiendom van Dramawinkel en mag nie herverkoop word aan te derde party nie of gepubliseer word nie – digitaal of in enige vorm van druk nie.
  • Maak seker dat u bestel onder die korrekte afdeling.

Terms and conditions

  • Dramawinkel provides and creates material for children to perform and recite in class, at art festivals and for competitions.
  • The writers of Dramawinkel endeavour to produce unique material for every age group.
  • Performance pieces that are bought directly from the website, may be purchased by any member of the public.
  • Performance pieces that have been purchased cannot be “exchanged” for other pieces should you feel that the one that you have purchased does not suit your child. You are, however, welcome to email Dramawinkel.
  • As soon as your Payfast purchase has been completed, you should receive your link to download your purchase. Should you not receive your link, please email Dramawinkel immediately.
  • Should you require a performance piece that is exclusive to your child, please email your request to Dramawinkel.
  • Should Dramawinkel write an exclusive performance piece for you, you will receive exclusivity for the following 12 months. After 12 months the performance piece will be made available for purchase by the general public on the website of Dramawinkel.
  • All material that is available on and produced by Dramawinkel is owned by Dramawinkel and may not be resold to a third party or published in any form – digitally or otherwise.
  • Please ensure that you order under the correct category.