Drama Monoloog, Dialoog / Drama Monologues, Dialogues

Opsoek na ‘n oorspronklike, humoristiese of dramatiese monoloog, dialoog, prosa of gedig vir kunstefeeste, Eisteddfods, RAKA, SATCH en NEA? Hierdie is die webtuiste vir jou! Of bestel iets nuuts na gelang van jou behoeftes. Klik op “Bestellings” bo-aan die bladsy en volg die instruksies.

Looking for an original, funny or dramatic monologue, dialogue, prose or poem for art festivals, Eisteddfods, RAKA, SATCH and NEA? This is the website for you! Or order something new to suit your needs. Click on “Orders” at the top of the page and follow the instructions.
Welkom / Welcome

Kontak ons gerus op dramawinkel@gmail.com vir verdere navrae
Contact us at dramawinkel@gmail.com for further information